Principal's Message

It is my pleasure to be your Principal for the 2023 school year. I have been an educator in the OCDSB for the past 23 years, in a variety of roles and schools. I hold a Masters Degree in Education and a  specialist in Special Education. I am committed to working with MPS students and staff to promote a positive learning environment reflecting the OCDSB Culture of Caring, Innovation and Social Responsibility.  I am proud of the dedicated staff of teachers, early childhood educators, educational assistants and support staff here at MPS. 

Manotick has a wonderful tradition of active parent involvement. Parents enrich the learning environment by volunteering in classrooms, on field trips, on School Council committees, in fundraising events and supporting extra-curricular activities. I appreciate your support and look forward to working with you.

My  role as an administrator is to advocate for each child in the school and I will always make time to meet with students or parents. Please call the school for an appointment so that I can schedule some time to meet with you.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the students and staff MPS!

Christine Cardill


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